6018P5 PMIM SEA Acupressure G217P5

$ 32.00

For donating on PMIM experimental videos, you need to be a member of AMLP PMM private group.

  1. Click to join AMLP PMM.
  2. join Facebook and add “Roseraie Y Leaf” as a friend. (https://www.facebook.com/roseraie.y)

3.Send true personal ID to sales@aromamassagelife.com including:

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Your account names & email in our website (so we can confirm your donation amount)

Facebook account name, email related to facebook


Age Restriction: PMM 18+, Age 18 or older

Donation for 70 mins video with clothing-optional & draping, HD-720p, video link.

Links will be sent in the email within 5-10 days.


6018 P5 PMIM SEA Sensual Energizing Acupressure G217 Part 5



For donating on PMIM experimental videos, you need to be a member of AMLP PMM private group.

  1. Click to join AMLP PMM.
  2. join Facebook and add “Roseraie Y Leaf” as a friend. (https://www.facebook.com/roseraie.y)

3.Send true personal ID to sales@aromamassagelife.com including:

Full name


Full Address

Your account names & email in our website (so we can confirm your donation amount)

Facebook account name, email related to facebook


Age Restriction: PMM 18+, Age 18 or older

Donation for 70 mins video with clothing-optional & draping, HD-720p, video link.

Links will be sent in the email within 5-10 days.


6018 P5 PMIM SEA Sensual Energizing Acupressure G217 Part 5

Female to Male GEM Genital External Mediation and Acupressure with Ejaculation

Sensual Meditation on Sexual Organs can be healthy, relaxing and pleasant.


to energize male sexual ability & to have multiple erection for 30-60 minutes with EJ

Note 1 – Avoid ejaculation with mind meditation and penis/vagina external touch for 30-60 minutes.

Note 2 – PSA and mucoproteins from bulbourethral gland (Cowper gland) are friendly to vagina and skin

Note 3 – Sperms are microbes promoters and can stay on skin or inside vagina no more than 24 hours

Note 4 – Use G10 AIR Cream and/or G3 Rose Serum for firming, lubrication and AAA (anti microbes).

Note 5 – Energizing Acupressure is performed for 30-60 minutes before and during multiple erection. Length of time depends on male heart and other health condition.





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