0421HG S2 AMLA 按摩 FC05

Original price was: $ 7.50.Current price is: $ 6.00.

HG 漢醫指壓

影音類型:NMMD 18+

年齡限制: 18限 (成人18歲以上)

訂購 NMMD 影音, 需要 NMMD 或 NMMS 或 NMMB 成員資格。

長度:62分MP4, 720p高清影音。




0421HG S2 AMLA 按摩 FC05


LNVEA LDrA Abdomen Dan-Tian Femoral Triangle Labia Majora Mons pubis

Lymph Nodes Vessels Enhancement Acupressure Lymph Drainage Acupressure


Purpose of experiment –

Lymph Detoxification/Organs Detoxification


Anti Aging

Anti Cysts

Anti Tumors

Stress Relief

Anti Inflammation

Anti Microbes


62:07 0421 S2 has 2 episodes: 27:43 0421 S2 EP1 and 34:24 0421 S2 EP2.


27:43 0421 S2 EP1:

Section 1 Preparation P52 Rose AME Aroma Meditation Effleurage

Anterior Trunk Abdomen Chest Groins Femoral Triangle Mons pubis

Section 2 LNVEA Lymph Nodes Vessels Enhancement Acupressure Left Femoral Triangle

Groins Deep Inguinal Nodes Superficial Superior Inguinal Nodes Labia Majora

Section 3 LDrA Lymph Drainage Acupressure Inwards Left Abdomen Femoral Triangle

Iliac Nodes Deep Inguinal Nodes Superficial Superior Inguinal Nodes

Section 4 LDrA Lymph Drainage Acupressure Downwards Left Abdomen Femoral Triangle

Thoracic Duct Cisterna Chyli Iliac Nodes Deep Inguinal Nodes Superficial Cloquet’s Nodes

34:24 0421 S2 EP2:

Section 5 LNVEA Lymph Nodes Vessels Enhancement Acupressure Right Pelvis

Obturator Nodes Deep Inguinal Nodes Cloquet’s Nodes Parametrial Nodes

Section 6 LDrA Lymph Drainage Acupressure Right Abdomen Femoral Triangle

Iliac Nodes Deep Inguinal Nodes Superficial Superior Inguinal Nodes

Section 7 LDrA Lymph Drainage Acupressure Inwards Right Abdomen Femoral Triangle

Deep Inguinal Nodes Parametrial Nodes Mons pubis Bladder Ovaries Uterus

Section 8 LDrA Lymph Drainage Acupressure Inwards Downwards Femoral Triangle

Deep Inguinal Nodes Superficial Superior Inguinal Nodes Dan-Tian

Symmetric LDrA Lymph Drainage Acupressure Inwards Downwards Pelvis



SKU: 0421HG S2 Category: Tags: , , , , , , ,


0421HG S2 AMLA 按摩 FC05

Aroma Meditation Lymph Acupressure FC05 P1 Stage 2

LNVEA LDrA Abdomen Dan-Tian Femoral Triangle Labia Majora Mons pubis

Lymph Nodes Vessels Enhancement Acupressure Lymph Drainage Acupressure


Purpose of experiment –

Lymph Detoxification/Organs Detoxification


Anti Aging

Anti Cysts

Anti Tumors

Stress Relief

Anti Inflammation

Anti Microbes


62:07 0421 S2 has 2 episodes: 27:43 0421 S2 EP1 and 34:24 0421 S2 EP2.


27:43 0421 S2 EP1:

Section 1 Preparation P52 Rose AME Aroma Meditation Effleurage

Anterior Trunk Abdomen Chest Groins Femoral Triangle Mons pubis

Section 2 LNVEA Lymph Nodes Vessels Enhancement Acupressure Left Femoral Triangle

Groins Deep Inguinal Nodes Superficial Superior Inguinal Nodes Labia Majora

Section 3 LDrA Lymph Drainage Acupressure Inwards Left Abdomen Femoral Triangle

Iliac Nodes Deep Inguinal Nodes Superficial Superior Inguinal Nodes

Section 4 LDrA Lymph Drainage Acupressure Downwards Left Abdomen Femoral Triangle

Thoracic Duct Cisterna Chyli Iliac Nodes Deep Inguinal Nodes Superficial Cloquet’s Nodes

34:24 0421 S2 EP2:

Section 5 LNVEA Lymph Nodes Vessels Enhancement Acupressure Right Pelvis

Obturator Nodes Deep Inguinal Nodes Cloquet’s Nodes Parametrial Nodes

Section 6 LDrA Lymph Drainage Acupressure Right Abdomen Femoral Triangle

Iliac Nodes Deep Inguinal Nodes Superficial Superior Inguinal Nodes

Section 7 LDrA Lymph Drainage Acupressure Inwards Right Abdomen Femoral Triangle

Deep Inguinal Nodes Parametrial Nodes Mons pubis Bladder Ovaries Uterus

Section 8 LDrA Lymph Drainage Acupressure Inwards Downwards Femoral Triangle

Deep Inguinal Nodes Superficial Superior Inguinal Nodes Dan-Tian

Symmetric LDrA Lymph Drainage Acupressure Inwards Downwards Pelvis


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