4172CD PMA Acupressure G712CD

$ 65.00

VidDL – Video for Downloads

AMLS AR18 membership is required for ordering this video.


Age Restriction: PMM 18+, Age 18 or older

Donation for 150 mins video with clothing-optional & draping, HD-720p, downloadable MP4 video.

Download link will be sent in the email within 5-10 days.

4172CD ATAC PMA Partner Meditation Acupressure G712CD LDEA LDrA GEM GIM MEM

Lymphatic Detoxification Energizing Acupressure Lymph Drainage Acupressure

Genital External Meditation Genital Internal Meditation Mutual External Meditation

4172CD experiment has 2 Parts: 78 mins 4172CDP1 Sec01-03, 72 mins 4172CDP2 Sec04-07

4172CDP1 Sec01-03:

Section 01 –


Superficial Meditation Energizing Acupressure Clothing On

Visceral Energizing Acupressure Lymph Drainage Acupressure

Section 02 –

P60 AI LDMC ENMA LDrA Trunk Groins Vulva CLOP

Emulsifying Nourishing Meditation Acupressure Clothing Optional

Lymph Drainage Acupressure Trunk Groins Vulva Perineum

Section 03 –

G10 AAA AIR LDEA Chest Abdomen Vulva Groins CLOP

Lymphatic Detoxification Energizing Acupressure

4172CDP2 Sec04-07:

Section 04 –

P60 AI LDMC OMEA Abdomen Vulva Groins Perineum CLOP

Orgasmic Meditation Energizing Acupressure

Section 05 –

P60 AI LDMC OMEA GEM GIM Trunk Arms Vagina Anus CLOP

Orgasmic Meditation Energizing Acupressure

Genital External Meditation Genital Internal Meditation

Section 06 –

LDEA GEM GIM Vulva Perineum Vaginal Canal Cervix CLOP

Lymphatic Detoxification Energizing Acupressure

Genital External Meditation Genital Internal Meditation

Section 07 –

GEM MEM CLOP Vulva Perineum Anus Penis CLOP

Genital External Meditation Mutual External Meditation




VidDL – Video for Downloads

AMLS AR18 membership is required for ordering this video.


Age Restriction: PMM 18+, Age 18 or older

Donation for 150 mins video with clothing-optional & draping, HD-720p, downloadable MP4 video.

Download link will be sent in the email within 5-10 days.



4172CD ATAC PMA Partner Meditation Acupressure G712CD LDEA LDrA GEM GIM MEM

Lymphatic Detoxification Energizing Acupressure Lymph Drainage Acupressure

Genital External Meditation Genital Internal Meditation Mutual External Meditation

4172CD experiment has 2 Parts: 78 mins 4172CDP1 Sec01-03, 72 mins 4172CDP2 Sec04-07


4172CDP1 Sec01-03:

Section 01 –


Superficial Meditation Energizing Acupressure Clothing On

Visceral Energizing Acupressure Lymph Drainage Acupressure

Section 02 –

P60 AI LDMC ENMA LDrA Trunk Groins Vulva CLOP

Emulsifying Nourishing Meditation Acupressure Clothing Optional

Lymph Drainage Acupressure Trunk Groins Vulva Perineum

Section 03 –

G10 AAA AIR LDEA Chest Abdomen Vulva Groins CLOP

Lymphatic Detoxification Energizing Acupressure


4172CDP2 Sec04-07:

Section 04 –

P60 AI LDMC OMEA Abdomen Vulva Groins Perineum CLOP

Orgasmic Meditation Energizing Acupressure

Section 05 –

P60 AI LDMC OMEA GEM GIM Trunk Arms Vagina Anus CLOP

Orgasmic Meditation Energizing Acupressure

Genital External Meditation Genital Internal Meditation

Section 06 –

LDEA GEM GIM Vulva Perineum Vaginal Canal Cervix CLOP

Lymphatic Detoxification Energizing Acupressure

Genital External Meditation Genital Internal Meditation

Section 07 –

GEM MEM CLOP Vulva Perineum Anus Penis CLOP

Genital External Meditation Mutual External Meditation



ATAC – Anti Tumors Anti Cysts

CLON – Clothing On

CLOP – Clothing Optional (One or more is/are partially or fully nude)

LDEA – Lymphatic Detoxification Energizing Acupressure

P60 AI LDEO – P60 Anti Inflammation Lymph Detoxification Massage Oil

P60 AI LDEC – P60 Anti Inflammation Lymph Detoxification Massage Cream

SMEA – Superficial Meditation Energizing Acupressure

VEA – Visceral Energizing Acupressure

LDrA – Lymph Drainage Acupressure

ENEA – Emulsifying Nourishing Meditation Acupressure

G10 AAA AIR – G10 Anti Bacterial Anti Fungal Anti Viral Auto Immune Relief

OMEA – Orgasmic Meditation Energizing Acupressure

GEM – Genital External Meditation

GIM – Genital Internal Meditation

MEM – Mutual External Meditation


Notes on:


LDEA – LDA, Lymphatic detoxification Acupressure, is an energy consuming massage process which may often weaken patient’s organs and tissues by burning energizing away during detoxification process. Therefore, energizing theories and experiments are constantly performed in NMRC. The study which combines LDA and energizing methods is  LDEA.


What are the methods of performing LDEA energizing acupressure?

  1. Proper and comfortable pressing on certain affected areas, acupressure channels and acupressure points
  2. Performing energy preserving stretching poses..
  3. Performing mind healing meditation for better harmonic oscillation of body electromagnetic fields and better low frequency brain waves.
  4. Providing phyto essential nutrition by using of AMP, aroma medicine product. Most of AMP are rich in 10GEN, 10 Groups of Essential Nutrition.


OMEA – ORMA, Orgasmic Massage, is an energizing consuming stress relieving passive exercise massage. OMEA combines energy meditation and energizing acupressure with ORMA so that both partners may gain great energy during the experiment.




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