Sale!HG 漢醫指壓 影音類型:NMMD 18+ 年齡限制: 18限 (成人18歲以上) 訂購 NMMD 影音, 需要 NMMD 或 NMMS 或 NMMB 成員資格。 長度:36分03秒MP4, 720p高清影音。 下載期限:30天 影音連結將在10天內發送。 ========== Jan 12, 2020 for adults and PG12 with parent guidance
Sale!HG 漢醫指壓 影音類型:NMMD 18+ 年齡限制: 18限 (成人18歲以上) 訂購 NMMD 影音, 需要 NMMD 或 NMMS 或 NMMB 成員資格。 長度:151分MP4, 720p高清影音。 下載期限:30天 影音連結將在10天內發送。 ========== 7705HG P3CD ADA 按摩 G827 7705 P3CD ATAC ADA Anti Tumors Anti Cysts Aroma Detoxification Acupressure G827 Part 3CD AME LDEA LDrA GEM Posterior Trunk Legs Breasts Abdomen Thighs Buttock Perineum Vulva Anus Aroma Meditation Effleurage Lymph Drainage Energizing Acupressure Lymph Drainage Acupressure Genital External Meditation 29:41 7705 P3CD Episode 1 Posterior Breasts Abdomen Thighs 38:25 7705 P3CD Episode 2 LDrA LNA LDSt LDSPA Breasts Nipples 46:50 7705 P3CD Episode 3 LDrA LNEA Chest Breasts Abdomen Groins Mons pubis 30:06 7705 P3CD Episode 4 LEA LDrA Trunk Genitalia Thighs 27:06 7705 P3CD Episode 5 VDA LVA Trunk Buttock Genitalia Legs 27:46 7705 P3CD Episode 6 ADLMA LDrA GEM Posterior Trunk Thighs An AI, anti inflammatory and pain relief experiment for shoulder joint from front, back, and side of trunk; plus the ATAC, anti tumor anti cysts, internal organs energizing acupressure on Ren-Mai Du-Mai for harmonizing human body electromagnetic fields. ==========
Sale!HG 漢醫指壓 影音類型:NMMD 18+ 年齡限制: 18限 (成人18歲以上) 訂購 NMMD 影音, 需要 NMMD 或 NMMS 或 NMMB 成員資格。 長度:29分41秒MP4, 720p高清影音。 下載期限:30天 影音連結將在10天內發送。 ========== 7705HG P3CD EP1 ADA 按摩 G827 Section 01 P60 AI Aroma Meditation Effleurage Acupressure Posterior Chest Abdomen Ren-Mai 6 Yin Channels Breast Nodes Chest Nodes Thoracic Duct Cisterna Chyli 2-Palm Force Lymph Vessels Energizing Acupressure Front 7 Yin Channels Chest Abdomen G7 AIR Relaxing Healing Lymph Drainage Acupressure Chest Nodes Thyroid Thoracic Duct Section 02 Stress Relief Tummy Breathing Meditation G7 AIR Relaxing Healing Lymph Nodes Drainage Acupressure Axillary Nodes Lymph Drainage Acupressure Downwards Chest Nodes Pectoral Nodes Outwards Abdomen Groins G7 AIR Lymph Nodes Enhancement Acupressure N1 Nodes Pectoral Nodes Subareolar Lymphatic Plexus Section 03 Lymph Drainage Acupressure Breasts Lymph Parasternal Nodes Subareolar Lymphatic Plexus Finger Force ATAC Anti Tumours Anti Cysts Breasts Detoxification Longitudinal Squeezing Acupressure ==========
Sale!HG 漢醫指壓 影音類型:NMMD 18+ 年齡限制: 18限 (成人18歲以上) 訂購 NMMD 影音, 需要 NMMD 或 NMMS 或 NMMB 成員資格。 長度:38分25秒MP4, 720p高清影音。 下載期限:30天 影音連結將在10天內發送。 ========== 7705HG P3CD EP2 ADA 按摩 G827 Section 04 ATAC Vertical Lymph Drainage Acupressure Left Breast Left Half Right Half ATAC Vertical Lymph Drainage Acupressure Right Breast Left Half Right Half Symmetric ATAC Finger Force Breasts Lymph Nodes Acupressure Lymph Drainage Patting Symmetric ATAC Palm Force Breasts Lymph Drainage Acupressure Rubbing Pressing Effleurage Section 05 G1 AI Relaxing Healing Breasts Firming Superficial Lymph Drainage Acupressure G1 AI Emulsifying Superficial Lymph Detoxification Scratching Acupressure Breast Lymph Drainage Acupressure Large Circle Forward Large Circle Backward Breasts Breast Lymph Drainage Acupressure Small Circle Forward Small Circle Backward Areola Nipples Section 06 Circular Breast Lymph Drainage Acupressure Nipples Areolas Backwards Forwards Symmetric Short Stroke Lymph Drainage Acupressure Breasts Areola Nipples Lymph Drainage Squeezing Pinching Nipples Circular Lymph Drainage Acupressure Forward Backward Linear Transverse Lymph Drainage Acupressure Left Breast to Right Breast Right Breast to Left Breast Section 07 Palm Force Lymph Drainage Squeezing Acupressure Inwards Breasts Areola Nipples Finger Force Lymph Drainage Squeezing Acupressure Breasts Areola Nipples Palm Force Lymph Drainage Acupressure Pushing Downwards Pushing Upwards Breasts Areola Nipples ==========
Sale!HG 漢醫指壓 影音類型:NMMD 18+ 年齡限制: 18限 (成人18歲以上) 訂購 NMMD 影音, 需要 NMMD 或 NMMS 或 NMMB 成員資格。 長度:46分50秒MP4, 720p高清影音。 下載期限:30天 影音連結將在10天內發送。 ========== 7705HG P3CD EP3 ADA 按摩 G827 Section 08 – ATAC Palm Force Finger Force Lymph Drainage Squeezing Pushing Acupressure Breasts Lymph Drainage Acupressure Pulling Outwards Lymph Drainage Squeezing Pushing Inwards Breasts Lymph Drainage Acupressure Upwards Inwards Lymph Drainage superficial Patting Scratching Breasts Section 09 – G7 AI Lymph Nodes Enhancement Acupressure Axillary Nodes Pectoral Lymph Nodes G7 AI Lymph Nodes Enhancement Acupressure Deep Cervical Lymph Nodes Clavicular Lymph Nodes G7 AI Lymph Nodes Enhancement Acupressure Thymus Parasternal Lymph Nodes Thoracic Duct Section 10 – Lymph Nodes Acupressure Subareolar Lymphatic Plexus Aortic Nodes Thoracic Duct P60 AI Lymph Drainage Energizing Acupressure Downwards 7 Yins Chest Breasts Abdomen Mons pubis Section 11 – Lymph Drainage Energizing Acupressure Pulling Downwards Right Side Left Side Chest Breast Abdomen Lateral Trunk Groin Mons pubis Lymph Drainage Meditation Acupressure Downwards Chest Breasts Abdomen Groins Mons pubis ==========
Sale!HG 漢醫指壓 影音類型:NMMD 18+ 年齡限制: 18限 (成人18歲以上) 訂購 NMMD 影音, 需要 NMMD 或 NMMS 或 NMMB 成員資格。 長度:30分06秒MP4, 720p高清影音。 下載期限:30天 影音連結將在10天內發送。 ========== 7705HG P3CD EP4 ADA 按摩 G827 Section 12 – P60 AI Lymph Effleurage Acupressure Lower Trunk Front Side Lower Abdomen Groins Mons pubis Vulva Thighs Ren-Mai Lymph Drainage Energizing Acupressure Pushing Downwards Iliac Nodes Parametrial Nodes Mons pubis Vulva Inguinal Nodes Section 13 Lymph Drainage Energizing Acupressure Downwards Inwards Right Abdomen Mons pubis Vulva Superior Inferior Inguinal Nodes Perineum Lymph Drainage Energizing Acupressure Downwards Inwards Left Abdomen Mons pubis Vulva Superior Inferior Inguinal Nodes Perineum Section 14 Lymph Drainage Meditation Acupressure Downwards Ren-Mai Thoracic Duct Abdomen Uterus Mons pubis Vagina Anus Perineum ==========
Sale!HG 漢醫指壓 影音類型:NMMD 18+ 年齡限制: 18限 (成人18歲以上) 訂購 NMMD 影音, 需要 NMMD 或 NMMS 或 NMMB 成員資格。 長度:27分06秒MP4, 720p高清影音。 下載期限:30天 影音連結將在10天內發送。 ========== 7705HG P3CD EP5 ADA 按摩 G827 Section 15 2-Hand Circular Visceral Detoxification Acupressure Colons Clockwise G1 AI Visceral Detoxification Acupressure Small Intestines Stomach Pancreas Section 16 Lateral Lymph Vessels Acupressure Pulling Frontward Right Armpit Left Armpit Chest Waist Groin Buttock Upper Thigh Section 17 Lymph Drainage Energizing Acupressure Downwards Right Thigh Inferior Superficial Inguinal Nodes Left Thigh Inferior Inguinal Nodes Lymph Drainage Acupressure Downwards Mons pubis Superior Superficial Inguinal Nodes Vulva Perineum 2-Hand Lymph Drainage Acupressure Pushing Downwards Right Left Thigh Inferior Superficial Inguinal Nodes Femoral Triangle Lower Thigh Symmetric Lymph Drainage Acupressure Pushing Downwards 2 Thighs 3 Yin 2 Yang Channels Knees ==========
Sale!HG 漢醫指壓 影音類型:NMMD 18+ 年齡限制: 18限 (成人18歲以上) 訂購 NMMD 影音, 需要 NMMD 或 NMMS 或 NMMB 成員資格。 長度:27分46秒MP4, 720p高清影音。 下載期限:30天 影音連結將在10天內發送。 ========== 27:46 7705HG P3CD EP6 ADA 按摩 G827 Section 18 Lymph Vessels Orgasmic Meditation Acupressure Perineum Vulva Clitoris Mons pubis G7 Aroma Deodorizing Lymph Meditation Acupressure Perineum Vestibule/Vagina Vulva Mons pubis G7 Deodorizing Lymph Drainage Orgasmic Acupressure Anus Perineum Vulva Prepuce of Clitoris Section 19 Lymph Drainage Pinching Rubbing Acupressure Left Labia majora Inferior Inguinal Nodes Lymph Drainage Pinching Rubbing Acupressure Right Left Vulva Inferior Inguinal Nodes Mons pubis Lymph Drainage Acupressure Upwards Thighs Perineum Ren-Mai Vulva Abdomen Chest Lymph Drainage Acupressure Pulling Upwards Left Inferior Inguinal Nodes Lymph Drainage Acupressure Pushing Inwards Left Superior Inguinal Nodes Vulva Thigh-up Stretch Lymph Drainage Acupressure Lymph Drainage Acupressure Pulling Upwards Right Inferior Inguinal Nodes Lymph Drainage Acupressure Pushing Inwards Right Superior Inguinal Nodes Vulva Section 20 Lymph Drainage Acupressure Pulling Upwards Legs Groins Lateral Abdomen Chest Breasts Lymph Drainage Acupressure Pulling Upwards Inner Legs Groins Ren-Mai Abdomen Chest Breasts Lymph Drainage Acupressure Upwards Perineum Vulva Mons pubis Ren-Mai Abdomen Chest Breasts ==========