항균 해독 마사지 실험 抗菌解毒マッサージ実験 抗微生物排毒按摩實驗 HG漢醫指壓 影音類型:NMMB PG12+ 年齡限制:輔12級 (12歲以上, 有父母輔導) 會員資格: 訂購NMMB影音, 無須會員資格。 長度:45分24秒, MP4, 720p高清影音。 下載期限:30天 影音連結將在10天內發送。 ========== NMMT201HG C18 EP1 LDA 指壓 G423 Purposes Prevention of water retention, auto immune disorders and frigidity Anti microbial, protecting, firming, healing, whitening, deodorizing on genitalia Stress Relieving, relaxing, anti anxiety Increasing circulation Releasing bad heat and anxiety Balancing BEMF, Body Electromagnetic Fields   NMMT201 C18 EP1 ATAC LDA Anti Tumors Anti Cysts Lymph Detoxification Acupressure G423 Step 2C Anterior Trunk Lower Extremity AME LDEM LDrA SfLDrSt VLDrA GEM Aroma Meditation Effleurage Lymph Detoxification Energizing Massage Lymph Drainage Acupressure Superficial Lymph Drainage Scratching Visceral Lymph Drainage Acupressure Genital External Meditation Episode 1 AME LDEM LDrA SfLDrSt Abdomen Groins Thighs Trunk Section 1 G1 Jasmine G100 LDEO G7 AIR AME LDEM LDrA Abdomen Left Groin Thigh Section 2 G7 AIR AME LDrA Right Abdomen Groin Thigh Section 3 G7 AIR AME SfLDrSt 2HLDrA Abdomen Mons pubis Groins Thighs Thoracic Duct Section 4 LDrA EFLDrA Trunk Lower Extremity CV KD ST SP LV Meridians ==========