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17m24s 0401 P16CD AMLA Acupressure F626
Why Aroma Meditation? Some essential oils help to clam down and relax which may result in the relief of stress and anxiety. As a result, you can have better low frequency brain waves and may better prevent from tumors and cysts development. Here are some of the relaxing essential oils: Jasmine, rose, neroli, lavender, lemon, sandalwood, chamomile, ylang ylang, peppermint. Select suitable, non-allergic, non-photo-sensitive essential oils and dilute in a proper way.
Why AMLA? AMLA experiment combines mental and physical maintenance methods that may greatly help to detoxify your body and mind at the same time. It is one of the best passive rejuvenating and energizing exercises for your skin and viscera.
For best clinical effect, 0401 AMLA Acupressure includes frequent contacts on feet, legs, back, head , arms and some sensitive areas where are needed to be detoxified and stimulated. Therefore, AMLA is only recommended for couples, partners and people who have full trust.
Anti Tumors Anti Cysts
Aroma Meditation Lymph Acupressure
F626 Part 16 Anterior Trunk Legs Genitalia
RR302 G1 Jasmine Oil Nourishing Relaxing Energizing Aphrodisiac Anti Aging
RR038 G1 LDHS Serum Nourishing Stress Relieving Healing Protecting Emulsifying
RR136 P68 AI Rose Serum Relaxing Healing Protecting Emulsifying Aphrodisiac
Right Chest Abdomen Mons pubis Groin Thigh Arm Breasts Labia Clitoris Perineum
Aroma Detoxification Effleurage Lymph Detoxification Energizing Massage
Breasts Firming Lifting Massage Lymph Drainage Energizing Acupressure
Lymph Drainage Emulsifying Scratching Genital External Internal Meditation Shiatsu
Genital External Stimulating Meditation Deep Tissue Orgasmic Genital Internal Meditation
Lymph Nodes Vessels Enhancement Massage Lymph Drainage Effleurage Shiatsu Upwards
Section 1 RR302 G1 Jasmine Oil Nourishing Relaxing Energizing Aphrodisiac Anti Aging
Aroma Detoxification Effleurage Right Chest Abdomen Mons pubis Groin Thigh Labia Clitoris Perineum
Lymph Detoxification Energizing Massage Right Arm Hand 3 Yin 3 Yang Channels