VidDL - Video for Downloads AMLS AR18 membership is required for ordering this video. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Age Restriction: PMM 18+, Age 18 or older Donation for 50 mins video with clothing-optional & draping, HD-720p, downloadable MP4 video. Links will be sent in the email within 5-10 days. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3102 AML 2Fto1M Sensual Energizing Massage F523 P2 Front AML 2to1 Massage is one of the most effective, relaxing and pleasant passive exercise which may result in more than twice the efficiency than 1to1 Massage. 2to1 Massage can be performed by taking turns on all 3 persons in a 2-3 hours program. For 2to1 Energizing Massage, all 3 persons should be able to completely trust one another because there are constantly contacts on sensitive areas with sensitive part of the body. Other than using hands, arms and feet, massage performers may use breasts or mouth to stimulate acceptor's sexual organs such as breasts, vagina and penis etc. For sensual meditation, the most recommended and effective way is to have Yin-Yin Nude close contact meditation in standing and lying positions. 3100-3999 is 2to1 SEM where 2to1 can be one of 6 ways - 3100-3299: 2Fto1M - 2 Female Partners to 1 Male Partner 3300-3499: 1F1Mto1F - 1 Female Partner and 1 Male Partner to 1 Female Partner 3500-3599: 1F1Mto1M - 1 Female Partner and 1 Male Partner to 1 Mmale Partner 3600-3699: 2Mto1F - 2 Male Partners to 1 Female Partner 3700-3799: 2Fto1F - 2 Female Partners to 1 Female Partner 3800-3899: 2Mto1M - 2 Male Partners to 1 Male Partner 3102 AML 2Fto1M Sensual Energizing Massage F523 P2 Front is for all 3 persons with minimum clothes preferred 90% or higher in cotton material. Room temperature should be 24C or higher but no higher than 30C. Product: AAA, AI, SR types of natural aroma oil, cream, serum. AAA - Anti Bacterial, Anti Fungal, Anti Viral AI - Anti Inflammatory SR - Stress Relief Examples: GH AI SR Jasmine Oil P52 AI SR Rose Healing Oil G1 AI AAA LD Healing Serum G10 AI AAA AIR Repairing Cream G100 AI AAA LD Essential Oils G3 AI AAA AR Rose Healing Serum P68 AI SR Rose Healing Serum G3 AI AAA LD Massage Cream For male energizing, use jasmine or neroli base product. For female energizing, use rose or jasmine product. For sexual organs, use P68/G1 Serum or G10 Repairing Cream