VidDL - Video for Downloads AMLS AR18 membership is required for ordering this video. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Age Restriction: PMM 18+, Age 18 or older Donation for 41 mins video with clothing-optional & draping, HD-720p, downloadable MP4 video. Download link will be sent in the email within 5-10 days. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Notes on 4088AB2:4088AB has 5 parts. This is part 2, Male to Female. 4088AB2 MtoF PMM Partner Mutual Meditation emphasizes on 1) Finger Force Acupressure (FFA) and, 2) Lymph Vessels Enhancement Massage (LVEM) 3) Energizing Meditation on Ren-Mai (Central Body Current on Front Trunk) and Dan-Tian (Centre of Body EMF, Electromagnetic Fields) 4) Vaginal Massage: Use G10 Repairing Cream and G1 Detox Serum and massage external reproductive organs including breasts, mons pubis and vulva. Anal massage is also recommended after thorough cleansing or aroma bathing. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++