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    00001P12 PLATINUM 12 Annual Membership

    Original price was: $ 450.00.Current price is: $ 360.00.
    00001P12 PLATINUM is a 365 days Membership: Platinum Memberships Updates on Jan 9, 2024 ===== //
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    0001 LDEM Massage DC28

    Original price was: $ 12.00.Current price is: $ 6.00.
    Special discount price for a limited time. 기간 한정 특별 할인 가격입니다. 期間限定の特別割引価格です。 限時特別折扣價。   EN - English Version VidDL - Video for Downloads Age Restriction: Age 18 or older Download Period: 7 days Video links will be sent within 7 days. ===== // 37m21s 0001 LDM Massage DC28 Yoga Massage, Body Massage, Breasts Massage, Vagina Massage, 요가 마사지, 바디 마사지, 유방 마사지, 질 마사지, ヨガマッサージ, ボディマッサージ, 乳房マッサージ, 膣マッサージ, 瑜珈按摩, 身體按摩, 乳房按摩, 陰道按摩,   0001 ATACAM LDM Anti Tumors Anti Cysts Anti Microbial Lymphatic Detoxification Massage DC28 AMEM LDEM MLDrA GEMA Anterior Lateral Trunk Groins Thighs Genitalia Chest Abdomen Digestive Organs Uterus Ovaries Labia Clitoris Groins Thighs Perineum Anus Aroma Meditation Effleurage Massage Lymphatic Detoxification Energizing Massage Genital External Meditation Acupressure Manual Lymphatic Drainage Acupressure   Section 1 AMEM LDEM Anterior Left Abdomen Groin Thigh Vulva Perineum GB ST SP LV KD Section 2 Easy Lying Thigh Stretching MLDrA GEMA Anterior Left Abdomen Lower Extremity Section 3 G10 AIR Cream AMEM LDEM Abdomen Pelvis Mons pubis Groins Chest Breasts Section 4 GEMA VLDrA Groins Mons pubis Pelvis Abdomen Chest Labia Clitoris Perineum Section 5 DTMT VLDrEM Anterio Abdomen Digestive Organs Uterus Ovaries Cisterna Chyli Section 6 Lateral Anterior MLDrA Hip Groins Abdomen Chest Breasts Mons pubis Vulva Section 7 MLDrA GEMA Labia Clitoris Inguinal Nodes Parametrial Nodes Vagina Anus   LDM is an abbreviation of “Lymphatic Detoxification Massage”. In LDM, therapists massage the Lymphatic nodes, lymphatic vessels, and body parts to improve the health of the lymphatic system. Between and after LDM massages, patients or clients often feel their bladders are full of water. LDM massage emphasizes LNVM on the trunk and front of the legs, MLDrA on the internal organs, and "Han Yi" (Oriental Medicine) meridian acupoint massage on the feet, calves, back trunk, and buttocks. From more than a thousand human LDM experiments, LDM massage may be beneficial for the detoxification of the lymphatic system throughout the body, helping to eliminate fat and reduce weight.   LDM은 " Lymphatic Detoxification Massage림프 배수 마사지"의 약자입니다. LDM에서 치료사는 림프절, 림프관 및 신체 부위를 마사지하여 림프계의 건강을 개선합니다. LDM 마사지 사이와 후에 환자나 고객은 종종 방광에 물이 가득 차 있다고 느낍니다. LDM 마사지는 몸통과 다리 앞쪽의 LNVM, 내장의 MLDrA, 발, 종아리, 등 몸통, 엉덩이의 "한이" 경락 경혈 마사지를 강조합니다. 1,000개 이상의 인간 LDM 실험에서 LDM 마사지는 몸 전체의 림프계 해독에 도움이 될 수 있으며 지방을 제거하고 체중을 줄이는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다.   LDMは「Lymphatic Detoxification Massageリンパドレナージマッサージ」の略です。 LDMでは、セラピストがリンパ節、リンパ管、体の部分をマッサージしてリンパ系の健康を改善します。 LDMマッサージの合間および後に、患者またはクライアントは膀胱が水で満たされていると感じることがよくあります。 LDMマッサージは、体幹と脚の前部にLNVM、内臓にMLDrA、足、子牛、背中の胴体、臀部に「ハンイー」(東洋医学)子午線の尖頭マッサージを強調します。 1000以上の人間のLDM実験から、LDMマッサージは、体全体のリンパ系の解毒に有益であり、脂肪を取り除き、体重を減らすのに役立ちます。   LDM是“Lymphatic Detoxification Massage淋巴排毒按摩”的縮寫。 在 LDM 中,治療師對淋巴結、淋巴管和身體部位進行按摩,以改善淋巴系統的健康。 在 LDM 按摩之間和之後,患者或顧客通常會感到膀胱充滿水。 LDM 按摩強調軀幹和腿部前部的 LNVM,內臟的 MLDrA,以及足部、小腿、背部軀幹和臀部的“漢醫”(東方醫學)經絡穴位按摩。 從一千多個人體 LDM 實驗來看,LDM 按摩可能有利於全身淋巴系統的排毒,有助於排除脂肪和減少體重。 ===== //     FIN                   FIN                   FIN
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    HG0001 LDEM 按摩 DC28

    Original price was: $ 4.50.Current price is: $ 3.60.
    항균 해독 마사지 실험 抗菌解毒マッサージ実験 抗微生物排毒按摩實驗 HG 漢醫指壓 VidND – No download videos. Age Restriction: Age 18 or older Silver or Diamond or Platinum membership is required Renewing of membership is required if membership has expired. Video Format: MP4, HD-720p video in Dropbox link. For new customers, video links will be sent within 10 days. For existing customers who already have links, purchased videos will be added in your folder in 2-10 days. Password will be updated every 2-4 months ========== 35m55s 0001 LDEM Massage DC28 35分55秒 0001 LDEM淋巴排毒增能按摩DC28질 마사지 膣マッサージ 0001 LDEM 淋巴排毒增能按摩 DC28 含陰道按摩 질 마사지 膣マッサージ   0001 ATAC AMMT LDEM Anti Tumors Anti Cysts抗腫瘤 抗囊腫 Aroma Medicine Massage Therapy 精油醫學按摩療法 Lymph Detoxification Energizing Massage淋巴排毒增能按摩 DC28 AME LNEM GEM LDrA Anterior Abdomen Pelvis Groins Thighs Vulva 正面 腹部 盆腔 鼠蹊 上腿 女外陰 Aroma Meditation Effleurage精油身心療癒輕撫按摩 Lymph Nodes Enhancement Massage 淋巴結強化按摩 Genital External Meditation 性器官外部身心療癒 Lymph Drainage Acupressure 淋巴引流指壓 Pressing Pinching Rubbing 按壓 捏按 摩擦   Section 1 AME LNEM Anterior Abdomen Pelvis Groins Thighs Vulva Perineum G5/P80 Rose Oil Aroma Meditation Effleurage Lymph Nodes Enhancement Massage 第一節AME LNEM 正面腹部 盆腔 鼠蹊 上腿 女外陰 會陰 G5/P80 玫瑰油 精油身心療癒輕撫按摩 淋巴結強化按摩   Section 2 Thigh Stretch LDrA GEM Lymph Drainage Acupressure Genital External Meditation Left Thigh Inferior Inguinal Nodes Abdomen Parametrial Nodes Vulva Perineum Anus Ren-Mai 第二節 上腿伸展LDrA GEM 淋巴引流指壓 性器官外部身心療癒 左上腿 下腹股溝淋巴結 腹部 子宮旁淋巴結 外陰 會陰 肛門 任脈   Section 3 G10 AIR Cream AME LNEM Abdomen Pelvis Mons pubis Groins Chest Breasts Paracolic Nodes Prececal Nodes Retrocecal Nodes Colic Nodes Deep Inguinal Nodes Iliac Nodes 第三節G10 自體免疫性疾病修復乳霜AME LNEM腹部 盆腔 陰阜 鼠蹊 上腿 胸腔 乳房 副結腸淋巴結 前腸淋巴結 後腸淋巴結 結腸淋巴結 深層鼠蹊淋巴結 髂淋巴結   Section 4 Genital External Meditation Acupressure Groins Mons pubis Vulva Clitoris Perineum Transverse Longitudinal Visceral Lymph Drainage Acupressure Pelvis Abdomen Chest Dan-Tian 第四節 性器官外部身心療癒指壓 鼠蹊 陰阜 女外陰 陰蒂 會陰 橫向 縱向 內臟淋巴引流指壓 盆腔 腹部 胸腔 丹田   Section 5 Deep Tissue Medium Tissue Visceral Lymph Drainage Energizing Massage Abdomen Liver Stomach Pancreas Spleen Kidneys Colons Intestines Uterus Ovaries Bladder Cisterna Chyli 第五節 深層組織 中層組織 內臟淋巴引流 增能按摩 腹部 肝臟 胃 胰腺 脾臟 腎臟 結腸 小腸 子宮 卵巢 膀胱 乳糜池   Section 6 Lateral Lymph Drainage Acupressure Inwards Hip Groin Waist Mons pubis Vulva Lymph Drainage Acupressure Upwards Groins Vagina Mons pubis Abdomen Chest Breasts 第六節 側向淋巴引流指壓 向內 臀部 鼠蹊 腰部 陰阜 女外陰 淋巴引流指壓 向上 鼠蹊 陰道 陰阜 腹部 胸腔 乳房   Section 7 Lymph Drainage Acupressure Genital External Meditation Vagina Massage Genitalia Groins Mons pubis Labia majora Labia minora Clitoris Frenulum of Clitoris Vestibule Perineum Anus 第七節 淋巴引流指壓 性器官外部身心療癒 陰道按摩 性器官 鼠蹊 陰阜 大陰唇 小陰唇 陰蒂 陰蒂繫帶 外陰前庭 會陰 肛門 ==========

    0001 Sec03 AMMT Massage

    ========== Apr 7, 2020. Adults and PG12+ only.

    0001 LDEM Massage Trailer S1b AML

    Adults enter password “adult” ========== Mar 4, 2019 by CC. Password is required. For password, join AMLB membership. AMLB trailer, adults or 12 years & older with Parent Guidance . 0001 AMMT LDEM Massage DC28 Trailer S1PHA PGNT ========== Mar 4, 2019 by CC.

    0001 AMMT LDEM Massage S1PHA NT 질 마사지 膣マッサージ

    ==========                   FIN
  • Sale!

    JP0001 LDEM 指圧 DC28

    Original price was: $ 4.50.Current price is: $ 3.60.
    항균 해독 마사지 실험 抗菌解毒マッサージ実験 抗微生物排毒按摩實驗 HG 漢醫指壓 VidND – No download videos. Age Restriction: Age 18 or older Silver or Diamond or Platinum membership is required Renewing of membership is required if membership has expired. Video Format: MP4, HD-720p video in Dropbox link. For new customers, video links will be sent within 10 days. For existing customers who already have links, purchased videos will be added in your folder in 2-10 days. Password will be updated every 2-4 months ========== 32m38s 0001JP LDEM 指圧 DC28   0001 AMMT LDEM Anti Tumors Anti Cysts Lymph Detoxification Energizing Massage DC28 AME LNEM GEM LDrA Anterior Abdomen Pelvis Groins Thighs Vulva Aroma Meditation Effleurage Lymph Nodes Enhancement Massage Genital External Meditation Lymph Drainage Acupressure Pressing Pinching Rubbing   Section 1 AME LNEM Anterior Abdomen Pelvis Groins Thighs Vulva Perineum G5/P80/ Rose Oil Aroma Meditation Effleurage Lymph Nodes Enhancement Massage Section 2 Thigh Stretch LDrA GEM Lymph Drainage Acupressure Genital External Meditation Left Thigh Inferior Inguinal Nodes Abdomen Parametrial Nodes Vulva Perineum Anus Ren-Mai Section 3 G10 AIR Cream AME LNEM Abdomen Pelvis Mons pubis Groins Chest Breasts Paracolic Nodes Prececal Nodes Retrocecal Nodes Colic Nodes Deep Inguinal Nodes Iliac Nodes Section 4 Genital External Meditation Acupressure Groins Mons pubis Vulva Clitoris Perineum Transverse Longitudinal Visceral Lymph Drainage Acupressure Pelvis Abdomen Chest Dan-Tian Section 5 Deep Tissue Medium Tissue Visceral Lymph Drainage Energizing Massage Abdomen Liver Stomach Pancreas Spleen Kidneys Colons Intestines Uterus Ovaries Bladder Cisterna Chyli Section 6 Lateral Lymph Drainage Acupressure Inwards Hip Groin Waist Mons pubis Vulva Lymph Drainage Acupressure Upwards Groins Vagina Mons pubis Abdomen Chest Breasts Section 7 Lymph Drainage Acupressure Genital External Meditation Vagina Massage Genitalia Groins Mons pubis Labia majora Labia minora Clitoris Frenulum Vestibule Perineum Anus ==========

    0001 Sec03 AMMT Massage

      ========== Sample video for AMLD/AMLP only. Age: AR18+ (Adult only ) Members can click and log in to watch the original sample video - Apr 7, 2020. Adults and PG12+ only.

    0001 LDEM Massage Trailer S1b AML

    Adults enter password “adult” ========== Mar 4, 2019 by CC. Password is required. For password, join AMLB membership. AMLB trailer, adults or 12 years & older with Parent Guidance . 0001 AMMT LDEM Massage DC28 Trailer S1PHA PGNT ========== Mar 4, 2019 by CC.

    0001 AMMT LDEM Massage S1PHA NT 질 마사지 膣マッサージ

    ==========                   FIN
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    KR0001 LDEM 지압 DC28

    Original price was: $ 4.50.Current price is: $ 3.60.
    항균 해독 마사지 실험 抗菌解毒マッサージ実験 抗微生物排毒按摩實驗 HG 漢醫指壓 VidND – No download videos. Age Restriction: Age 18 or older Silver or Diamond or Platinum membership is required Renewing of membership is required if membership has expired. Video Format: MP4, HD-720p video in Dropbox link. For new customers, video links will be sent within 10 days. For existing customers who already have links, purchased videos will be added in your folder in 2-10 days. Password will be updated every 2-4 months ========== 32m38s 0001KR LDEM 지압 DC28   0001 AMMT LDEM Anti Tumors Anti Cysts Lymph Detoxification Energizing Massage DC28 AME LNEM GEM LDrA Anterior Abdomen Pelvis Groins Thighs Vulva Aroma Meditation Effleurage Lymph Nodes Enhancement Massage Genital External Meditation Lymph Drainage Acupressure Pressing Pinching Rubbing ==========

    0001 Sec03 AMMT Massage

      ========== Sample video for AMLD/AMLP only. Age: AR18+ (Adult only ) Members can click and log in to watch the original sample video - Apr 7, 2020. Adults and PG12+ only.

    0001 LDEM Massage Trailer S1b AML

    Adults enter password “adult” ========== Mar 4, 2019 by CC. Password is required. For password, join AMLB membership. AMLB trailer, adults or 12 years & older with Parent Guidance . 0001 AMMT LDEM Massage DC28 Trailer S1PHA PGNT ========== Mar 4, 2019 by CC.

    0001 AMMT LDEM Massage S1PHA NT 질 마사지 膣マッサージ

    ==========                   FIN
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    0009 ABD LDEM Massage

    Original price was: $ 60.00.Current price is: $ 30.00.
    Special discount price for a limited time. 기간 한정 특별 할인 가격입니다. 期間限定の特別割引価格です。 限時特別折扣價。   EN - English Version VidDL - Video for Downloads Age Restriction: Age 18 or older Download Period: 7 days Video links will be sent within 7 days. ===== // My partner makes me healthy, happy and horny with "LDEM Massage". 내 파트너는 "LDEM 마사지"로 나를 건강하고 행복하게 만들어줍니다. 私のパートナーは、「LDEMマッサージ」で私を健康で幸せにし、興奮させてくれます。 我的伴侶幫我做“LDEM按摩”讓我健康、快樂和性喚起。   One of the best anti-cancer massages – LDEM, Lymphatic Detoxification Energizing Massage. 최고의 항암 마사지 중 하나 – LDEM, 림프 해독 에너자이징 마사지. 最高の抗がんマッサージの1つ – LDEM、リンパ解毒エネルギーマッサージ。 最好的抗癌按摩之一 – LDEM,淋巴排毒活力按摩。   143m26s 0009 ABD LDEM Massage J507 has 2 episodes: 70m42s 0009 ABD EP1 LDEM Massage J507 77m20s 0009 ABD EP2 LDEM Massage J507   0009 ABD ATAC LDEM Anti Tumor Anti Cysts Lymph Detoxification Energizing Massage J507 LDEShM LNEM MLDrA GEMA GIMA Lymph Detoxification Energizing Shiatsu Lymph Nodes Enhancement Massage Lymph Drainage Acupressure Genital External Meditation Genital Internal Meditation Anterior Trunk Abdomen Dan-Tian Mons pubis Groins Vulva Perineum Cisterna Chyli Cloquet’s Nodes Deep Inguinal Nodes Parametrial Nodes Superior Superficial Inguinal Nodes Inferior Superficial Inguinal Nodes   Episode 1 ADE LDESh LNEM LDrA GEM Anterior Trunk Lower Extremity Abdomen Thighs Genitalia Colons Spleen Intestines Bladder Uterus Ovaries Episode 2 LDESh GEM GIM LDrA OrGEIM LDM Left Right Vagina Perineum Trunk Anterior Lower Extremity Genitalia Perineum Uterus Trunk Chest   LDEM is an abbreviation of “Lymphatic Detoxification Energizing Massage”. LDEM means therapist perform “Hanyi” (oriental medicine) meridian acupressure on 14 main channels, sub channels and acupoints to energize body tissues and viscera. From numerous human experiments, the LDEM massage may greatly benefit detoxification of lymphatic system of the whole body. LDEM massage emphasizes "Hanyi" (oriental medicine) meridian acupressure on the feet, calves, back torso and buttocks. LDEM은 " Lymphatic Detoxification Energizing Massage림프 해독 에너자이징 마사지"의 약자입니다. LDEM은 치료사가 14개의 주요 채널, 하위 채널 및 경혈에 "漢醫 한이"(한의학oriental medicine) 경락 지압을 수행하여 신체 조직과 내장에 활력을 주는 것을 의미합니다. 수많은 인체 실험에서 LDEM 마사지는 전신의 림프계 해독에 큰 도움이 될 수 있습니다. LDEM 마사지는 발, 종아리, 등 몸통 및 엉덩이에 대한 한방 (한의학oriental medicine) 한방경락 지압을 강조합니다. LDEMは「Lymphatic Detoxification Energizing Massageリンパ解毒エネルギーマッサージ」の略です。 LDEMは、セラピストが14の主要チャンネル、サブチャンネル、および経血「漢醫」漢方(東洋医学oriental medicine)経絡指圧を行い、体組織や腸に活力を与えることを意味します。 多くの人体実験では、LDEMマッサージは全身のリンパ系の解毒に大きな助けとなる可能性があります。 LDEMマッサージは、足、ふくらはぎ、背中の胴体、臀部の東洋医学経穴マッサージを強調します。 LDEM代表“Lymphatic Detoxification Energizing Massage淋巴排毒活力按摩”。 LDEM是指治療師對14正經、絡脈和穴位進行“漢醫”(東方醫學)經絡穴位按摩,以強化身體組織和內臟功能。 經由大量人體實驗發現,LDEM按摩可能對全身淋巴系統的排毒功能有極大助益。 LDEM按摩強調足部、小腿、背部軀幹和臀部的漢醫 (東方醫學oriental medicine) 經絡穴位按摩。   ===== //   FIN
  • Sale!

    0013 LDEM Massage

    Original price was: $ 24.00.Current price is: $ 12.00.
    Special discount price for a limited time. 기간 한정 특별 할인 가격입니다. 期間限定の特別割引価格です。 限時特別折扣價。   EN - English Version VidDL - Video for Downloads Age Restriction: Age 18 or older Download Period: 7 days Video links will be sent within 7 days. ===== // sage E613   0013 ATAC LDEM Anti Tumors Anti Cysts Lymph Detoxification Energizing Massage E613 ADEA LDrEA VLDA SGEM Trunk Thighs Genitalia Aroma Detoxification Energizing Acupressure Lymph Drainage Energizing Acupressure Visceral Lymph Detoxification Acupressure Stretching Genital External Meditation Posterior Anterior Trunk Back Buttock Chest Abdomen Groins Penis Scrotum Perineum   0013 ATAC LDEM Massage has 3 episodes: 25m34s 0013 EP1 LDEM Massage E613 ADEA DTDA LDrA 24m37s 0013 EP2 LDEM Massage E613 LDEA VLDA EMOA LDrA 22m30s 0013 EP3 LDEM Massage E613 G10 AIR LNA LDrEA LDrOA ========== Apr 15, 2020. For adults only.

    0013 EP3 S10S11 LDEM Massage Trailer 3 BA

    Adults enter password “adult” ==========
  • Sale!

    0037 SRM Massage

    Original price was: $ 16.00.Current price is: $ 8.00.
    EN English Version VidDL - Video for Downloads Video Group Type: Silver Age Restriction: Age 18 or older Length: 34m18s MP4, HD-720p video. Download Period: 30 days Video links will be sent within 10 days. ========== 0037 SRM Massage E918  
  • Sale!

    0052 SESA Acupressure EC20

    Original price was: $ 24.00.Current price is: $ 19.20.
    EN English Version VidND - No Download Video Video Group Type: Platinum Age Restriction: Age 18 or older Length: 180 minutes MP4, HD-720p video. Viewing Period: 365 days Video links will be sent within 10 days. Special Offer for NMMD members: This video is downloadable for NMMD members exclusively. ========== 0052 SESA Acupressure EC20   0052 ATAC SESA Sensual Energizing Stretching Acupressure EC20 Yoga Stretching Detoxificatin Acupressure Genital External Meditation Genital Internal Meditation  
  • Sale!

    0055 LDSM Massage EA14

    Original price was: $ 8.00.Current price is: $ 6.40.
    EN English Version VidDL - Video for Downloads Video Group Type: Silver Age Restriction: Age 18 or older Length: 103m53s MP4, HD-720p video. Download Period: 30 days Video links will be sent within 10 days. ========== 0055 LDSM Massage EA14   0055 ATAC ROB LDSM Anti Tumors Anti Cysts Rose Oil Bath Lymphatic Detoxification Sensual Massage E825E MtoF Posterior Anterior LDA SRROB LDE LDSp LDrA LNVEA MHLDSA Stress Relieving Rose Oil Bath Lymphatic Detoxification Effleurage Lymphatic Detoxification Scraping Lymph Drainage Acupressure Posterior Legs Buttock Trunk Anterior Trunk Groins Legs Genitalia Lymph Nodes Vessels Enhancement Acupressure Mind Healing Lymphatic Detoxification Sensual Massage   Purposes: Stress Relief Mind Healing Lymph Detoxification Superficial Detoxification Scraping Fat Loss & Skin Firming Stretch Mark Relief and Prevention Anti Tumors Anti Cysts Full Body Energizing        
  • Sale!

    0058 LDEM Massage EA23

    Original price was: $ 28.00.Current price is: $ 22.40.
    EN English Version VidDL - Video for Downloads Video Group Type: Diamond Age Restriction: Age 18 or older Length: 145m05s MP4, HD-720p video. Download Period: 30 days Video links will be sent within 10 days. ========== 0058 LDEM Massage EA23   0058 AMMT ATAC LDEM Aroma Medicine Massage Therapy Anti Tumors Anti Cysts Lymph Detoxification Energizing Massage EA23AB Anterior   0058 has 3 episodes:   43m43s Edisode 1 Sec01 - Sec07 Section 01 – Section 03 P52 Rose Healing LDEA Lymphatic Detoxification Eenegizing Acupressure Chest Abdomen Legs Thighs Vulva Arms Ren-Mai 5 Yang 6 Yin Channels Section 04 – Section 07 Deep Tissue Detoxification Massage Organ Enhancement Massage Trunk Legs Lymph Drainage Acupressure Pushing Downwards Upwards Trunk Legs Vulva   51m19s Edisode 2 Sec08 - Sec16 Section 08 – Section 10 Deep Tissue Detoxification Massage Organ Enhancement Massage Trunk Legs Lymph Drainage Acupressure Pushing Downwards Upwards Trunk Legs Vulva Section 11 – Section 16: Lymph Drainage Acupressure Pulling Downwards Upwards Trunk Legs Vulva Symmetric Lymph Drainage Acupressure Downwards Upwards Trunk Legs Vulva Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure Groins Thighs Perineum Vulva P52 Rose Healing LDEA Lymphatic Detoxification Eenegizing Acupressure   53m37s Edisode 3 Sec17 - Sec30 Section 17 – Section 25 Direct skin contact, some vaginal exposure Lymph Detoxification Orgasmic Energizing Acupressure Groins Thighs GEMA Genital External Meditation Acupressure Mons pubis Vulva Perineum Section 26 G7 AAA AIR Stress Relieving Lymph Detoxification Meditation Effleurage Mons pubis Labia Clitoris Majora Labia minora Perineum Femoral Triangle Section 27 Lymph Drainage Energizing Acupressure Downwards Mons pubis Vulva AAA Lymph Detoxification Arousing Scratching Mons pubis Vulva Perineum Lymph Detoxification Arousing Acupressure Mons pubis Vulva Groins Section 28 G7 GEMA Genital External Meditation Acupressure Frontward Upwards Nude G7 GIMA Genital Internal Meditation Acupressure G-Spot Cervix Uterus Section 29 Lymph Drainage Orgasmic Meditation Acupressure Femoral Triangle Abdomen GEMA Genital External Meditation Acupressure Perineum Labia majora Clitoris Section 30 Lymph Drainage Energizing Acupressure Upwards Thighs Inguinal Nodes Lymph Drainage Acupressure Upwards Ren-Mai Cisterna Chyli Thoracic Duct ==========                   FIN  
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    0071 SDM Massage EB14

    Original price was: $ 15.00.Current price is: $ 10.00.
    EN English Version VidDL - Video for Downloads Video Group Type: Silver Age Restriction: Age 18 or older Length: 110m16s MP4, HD-720p video. Download Period: 30 days Video links will be sent within 10 days. ========== 0071 SDM Massage EB14 Purposes Prevention of water retention, auto immune disorders and frigidity with LDrSt VLDM LDrA Anti microbial, protecting, firming, healing, whitening, deodorizing on genitalia with AME GEIM Stress Relieving, relaxing, anti anxiety with AME SEM LDrA GEIM Increasing circulation Releasing bad heat and anxiety Balancing BEMF, Body Electromagnetic Fields   0071 ATAC SDM Anti Tumors Anti Cysts Stretching Detoxification Massage EB14 Back Stretch Part 1 Cow Pose Easy Lying 60-90 Degrees Legs Stretch Supported Yoga Kneeling Cow Pose Arms-Up Stretch Thighs Side Stretch Reversed Easy Lying Pose Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure Trunk Buttock Legs Section 1 Cow Pose LDEA Posterior Anterior Trunk Buttock Thighs 14 Channels Section 2 Cow Pose Topless LDEA Posterior Anterior Trunk Breasts Buttock Thighs Section 3 Easy Lying LDEA LDrA GEM Trunk Buttock Legs Anus Genitalia Section 4 Easy Lying LDrSpA GEM LDrA Trunk Buttock Legs Anus Genitalia ==========    

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