For donating on PMIM experimental videos, you need to be a member of AMLP PMM private group.

  1. Click to join AMLP PMM.
  2. join Facebook and add "Roseraie Y Leaf" as a friend. (
3.Send true personal ID to including: Full name Birthday Full Address Your account names & email in our website (so we can confirm your donation amount) Facebook account name, email related to facebook +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Age Restriction: PMM 18+, Age 18 or older Donation for 205 mins video, HD-720p, video link. 6111CD E1 PMEIM Downloadable AMLD AR18 6111CD E2 PMEIM Downloadable AMLD AR18 6111CD E3 PMEIM Downloadable PMEM AR18 6111CD E4 PMEIM No-Download PMIM AR18 6111CD E5 PMEIM Downloadable PMEM AR18 6111CD E6 PMEIM No-Download PMIM AR18 Links will be sent in the email within 5-10 days. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 6111CD ATAC PMEIM Meditation J515 A 100 to 200 minutes health experiment of energizing, external meditation and internal meditation   6111CD ATAC PMEIM Anti Tumors Anti Cysts Partner Mutual External Internal Meditation J515 Anterior Posterior Trunk Lower Extremity Genitalia MtoF AME LDEA OrMe GMEM GIM GEM GMEIM LNVA StLDrA OgGEM GIME VgOrMe OgLDrA GMIM FtoM AME LDEA OrGEMA OrME GEMA MtoF MIMEj